I was recently asked to be the camp leader for the girls at my church. While I am totally thrilled to do this (I LOVE camp!) I am a bit overwhelmed. In my search for ideas, I think I have memorized sugardoodle.net (note: sugardoodle.com is a sight to buy Himalayan cats...long story) and I am still not sure what I want to do for a theme. I think I have a few good ideas, but I am afraid that I don't know the girls well enough to make a decision. Any suggestions blogging world? I love the idea of having a FROG theme (Fully Rely On God) but then I think that might have a strong selfish reference to my obsession with frogs that I claimed to have left behind when I got married. (Really I just put it away until I have a little boy and have the excuse to buy everything frog again!) There are so many great ideas, and I want camp to be so much fun. ::Sigh:: Well, my goal is to have the theme picked out by the end of the week!. Sometimes, I think being too creative is a curse. I have so many ideas rolling around in my head, that I get lost! If you are looking for me, I might be glued to the computer... At least one thing is done already. We have the camp booked (thanks to Sister Fullmer!) so I can scratch that off my list! Well dear follower, if you have any ideas, please let me know!
You should do a Vegas style theme! The Bishop will really go for that!
A few ideas that we have done are finding Nemo, Animals, Garden of Eden, Holiday theme. We would have eat tent a different Nemo Friend, a different Animal, For the Garden of Eden we had to come up with a name that went with the theme. (Like Edens something or other, or Garden something.) I know some just had flower names. Every Tent had a different holiday and got to decorate their tent that way. If i think of others I'll let you know.
I still think you should go with the Vegas theme or maybe.....Moulin Rouge! :)
You're perfect for the job! Honestly, J.R. (the nickname I have bestowed upon your darling husband) is so cheeky! I love him! His idea is quite interesting, but I think it a better theme for 40+ year-old women. Think back to when you went to camp, what is your favorite memory? You'll figure it out, clever girl! I love you! If you go with the FROG theme, you could do a FROG treasure hunt with clues done in bible verses. Just a thought. HUGS! XXXOOO
Thanks for the ideas! Well, I am guessing that the Vegas thing might not fly, nor the Moulin Rouge, but I could use all the help I can get!
Thanks for the ideas! Well, I am guessing that the Vegas thing might not fly, nor the Moulin Rouge, but I could use all the help I can get!
HELLO DONNO!!!!!! I am sooooooooo glad that you found me. I love your blog!!!!!! I am very very excited you are in Pageant. I am a work so I have to go. OHHHHH I am soooo happy to read about your life!
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