Monday, January 26, 2009

Zack and Lady sittin' in a tree...

Okay so they are not sitting in a tree, but they do love each other! My little nephew Zack LOVES our dog Lady! All week he has been following her around and trying to kiss her. Often, she kisses back which then makes him giggle and laugh! While I don't have many toys for the kids to play with, Lady makes up for that ten fold! Every morning the first thing Zack says is, "D-ah." I think that means dog. Zach is really going to miss Lady when we leave for Vegas tomorrow!


Sheen said...

that is the cutest picture!

mindy said...

oooooh that is such a cute picture

It's A Wonderful said...

Oh, that's really sweet! What're you doing in Vegas? Hmmmmmm?

Gallant Family said...

That is so cute. How old is he?

You are going to be back before saturday night, right?