Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tape Measures and Puppy Dog Tails- That's What Little Boys Are Made Of

What will keep little boys entertained for HOURS even if they are visiting Aunt Donna who doesn't have tons of toys?

Tape Measures!
The discovery of the fascinating tape measure dates back to the early days of desperate need for cheap entertainment for three, tool lovin', crazy little boys. Thanks to Hobby Lobby and their 99 cent tape measures, hours of fun was had by all.
What do you do when the tape measures get lost and it's too cold outside to play in dirt?
Bring on the DOG!
Who doesn't want some love from this cute puppy?
Okay, so I am not about to open my mouth while kissing my dog, but apparently, it's all the rage with these guys! Good thing my little Lady doesn't mind all the chaos when these cute guys come to town! I really do miss them when they leave, but then I can always fill my time by erasing all of their "love marks" from the walls.

1 comment:

It's A Wonderful said...

And those "love" marks keep appearing, even when they're big, strong boys who can drive...apparently, they can't stand up on their feet without holding onto something!