Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Neighbors

I have a wreath on our front door which is my favorite spring wreath. It is a bunch of pussy willows and I LOVE pussy willows.

This year, the robins have decided they love them too! They made a little nest in the top of it.

And soon, we will have some new neighbors.. right on our front door! I guess we are going to have to go in and out of the garage soon! I will be sure to post pictures of our new friends when they hatch!

Our "Jam" Session!

My cute hubby LOVES strawberry jam! Every year, I try and make enough to last him the year... but a few years ago I may have gone a little overboard. I decided to ration his jam consumption and hid most of the jam so he would not eat it all at once. (He likes to eat it with a spoon!) Well, in true Donna form, I forgot about the hidden stash, so when my mom and I tried to make more jam the next spring, I had no jars! (They were all still full of last years jam!) Needless to say, I had to go buy more jars. Jonathan LOVES his jam! This year, I was babysitting a neighbor boy (Porter, age 2) while we were making jam. Porter was happily coloring Elmo a funky shade of orange, when he decided to help us. He brought a chair over to the counter and began smashing the berries. All he could talk about was, "JoJo make jam." and "Della make jam!" (He calls me Della because he has a dog named Bella, and apparently, Donna is too hard to say.) Porter has been having strawberry jam for breakfast every morning since.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Jonathan's Drag Name

Tonight at dinner, Jonathan thought great dinner conversation might include coming up with our very own drag names. His recipe for these clever titles is as follows: You take the name of your first pet and the name of the street that you grew up on. The results are in and Craig's (our adopted college student for the week) alias as he walks the street as a woman will be "Chucky Barrett". My drag name would be "Fishy Bennington", while Jonathan takes the cake only to be known as "Lady Optimist". I'm sure we scarred those 80 years old and older sitting around us at Perkin's for life. (Don't judge me Dad) So, I have no idea why this Perkins is on fire... but I thought it might get your attention so you would want to read my blog. Did it work? What would your drag name be?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cupcake time!



I think these pictures say it all....I wanted to scrapbook some cupcake pictures, so I thought "what better cupcake subjects than my nephews?" One likes messes... the other does not. Can you tell which is which??

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st 2009

Jonathan's sister Rebecca and her three boys came to Idaho for what was supposed to be a week.
The boys LOVE Lady!


The boys had tons of fun... although I don't think Leo likes his picture taken...

Then the plan was for me to go down to Vegas for a week. Well, as they always do, plans changed. Last Saturday, Jonathan's grandpa passed away. So that Rebecca could go to the funeral without kids, I decided to come down to Vegas and babysit for her. I was really looking forward to watching the boys and for the most part, it has been fun. Mind you it's only been one day so far, and we have only had one "accident."

I went upstairs to put the baby down, and the boys thought it would be fun to play in the rice cereal they found in the diaper bag!
Well, I will keep you posted with all the fun we are having in Las Vegas!