Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Worth all the scratches!

Picking berries in the sun is by definition summer. One thing I love about having our own home, is having a yard. While it is a great deal of work,

it's worth all the scratches! If I could, I would share some warm raspberries with you right now!


D and C said...

I LOVE your new background. So cute. And...I want some of those beautiful berries!!! COME OVER!

sweet mama entropy said...

Oh, I LOVE fresh raspberries! They are so worth the scratches :) We have blackberry bushes, but so far the birds have gotten more than we have. The boys are convinced we need a dog to chase those pesky birds away from our berries. And it looks like they're right - your doggie must do a great job protecting your berry bushes!

Gallant Family said... mouth is totally watering right now. We planted a bush, but it didn't give us anything this year. Sorry about the scratches, but yes, I'd say they are WELL worth it!