Sunday, January 9, 2011

Best Hubby EVER!

I know what you are thinking. TWO blog posts in one day!
I just had to give a shout out to the BEST husband ever! For the last few months, I have been dreaming of getting a Kindle. The library fines were getting OUT OF CONTROL so I stopped going. My solution: buy a Kindle. But I had to spend all my "extra" money to pay the dentist, so I put the Kindle on hold til February when I could save up the money again. Little did I know, that my sweet husband took all of his extra "fun" money to buy me one for Christmas. He made me the sweetest book to trick me into thinking he didn't get me one, but the last present I opened was my new Kindle! He was so sweet! (after calling me a nerd for even wanting one in the first place). Silly me, I put a monopoly game on it, so we were fighting over it most of our vacation, so I made a really PINK cover for it, hoping he wouldn't want to steal it anymore. My plan failed because now he just takes the cover off. Oh well. I still love my Kindle!!


Jenée's Blog said...

I was laughing hysterically when I saw your comment "The library fines were getting OUT OF CONTROL so I stopped going."
When we moved here I told myself I was going to give the Library another chance... but after my first late fee, I told my mom "You want to know another reason I am a Library snob?? Because for me, it's just a Fine waiting to happen." I have yet to return... maybe someday.
That was so thoughtful of your husband for surprising you with a Kindle!! ;o) And I love the cover you made...

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