Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dream Backyard

No, this is not our backyard. We have made some amazing friends with an amazing backyard. Not only are they the most welcoming family, but they have an incredible talent for gardening! We dream of someday having a yard half this beautiful.

Someday, at our house in Kentucky, this could be our yard. {Okay I am TOTALLY dreaming right now.} I know it will be a lot of work, but worth it. I think one of the reasons we love it so much, is that our friends did all the work themselves. The pond alone took an entire summer (and then some). After we re-create this AMAZING yard, you can come visit any time you like.

1 comment:

It's A Wonderful said...

It's absolutely amazingly beautiful! Yes, Donna! You and Jonathan need to recreate this vision. The backdrop of the mountains is breathtaking! You guys move to Kentucky, make this yard and Uncle Jason and I will move in next door....wait, what's that screaming I hear....???